Tag: Community
Millfields Trust: A Fond Farewell
After 23 years of service to the people of Stonehouse and the Millfields Trust, the time to offer Roger a fond farewell arrived last Thursday…
Lord Mayor’s Gala Dinner 2022
One of his final acts before departing to begin the next chapter in his life, our long-serving CEO Roger attended the Lord Mayor’s Gala Dinner…
Millfields Trust: Meet the Directors
introduce you to some of them whenever possible. Many of you who live and work within Stonehouse, and especially those who visit the Leadworks might already know Bronwen Hewitt MBE who is on our board of directors. Well, here’s an opportunity for everyone to know her a little better.
Meet the Tenants: Easy Cars
Welcome to our Meet the Tenants feature. This month we would like to introduce you to Easy Cars. Here at the Millfields Trust, we are…
Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week
Rainbow Counselling: What Causes Depression?
Meet the Community: Plymouth Scrapstore CIC
magine a world where nothing is wasted. A world where you can take your junk modelling skills to the highest level! Imagine no further because the Plymouth Scrapstore CIC is very real and in our Meet the Community feature today we hear from the wonderful staff that tell us about all things Scrapstore!
Millfields Trust: March Newsletter
A monthly newsletter that celebrates all things Millfields Trust, Millfields Inspired and the Stonehouse and Plymouth Community.