Millfields Trust: Meet the Directors

There are many superstars that work behind the scenes here at the Millfields Trust so we believe it’s our duty to introduce you to some of them whenever possible. Many of you who live and work within Stonehouse, and especially those who visit the Leadworks might already know Bronwen Hewitt MBE who is on our board of directors. Well, here’s an opportunity for everyone to know her a little better.

What is your Role at the Millfields Trust?

“I’ve worked as a community director at the Millfields Trust for about three years plus. Not sure exactly! I do what I can and when I can and get involved when there are new initiatives. It’s so varied! I hope that I support the CEO and the amazing team as well as work to ensure that we have a cohesive board of directors.

What do you enjoy most about your work at the Millfields Trust?

“The vision, the compassion, the team, the achievements, the cakes and the laughs! Millfields, including the Millfields Family, was a pioneer and has grown to include, not only the many enterprise units but also the Makers HQ, Millfields Inspired, Pubs, a bakery and affordable homes. It does so much for Stonehouse and Plymouth in general from supporting new businesses to inspiring children to aim for more. Who wouldn’t enjoy being involved with such a thoughtful and compassionate organisation.”

What career did you want to pursue as a child?

“Not what I ended up doing! An artistic career would have been lovely but I ended up in a role that I was, and still am passionate about which is working with and for people with disabilities. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am still involved with The Kintsugi Project which is for adults with disabilities and Leadworks, which is another CIC set up for the Stonehouse Community.”

Work-life balance is essential, how do you spend your time away from your work duties?

“I never quite cracked the work/life balance, to be honest. Even in my retirement! Certain roles mean you have to mix the two or you’d go mad. I love painting or working with glass, spending time with my family and friends. Plus whenever possible, I love visiting France.”

What should we all be doing in 2022?

“Getting through the mess we are all in! Being gentle with ourselves and looking out for the rest of society. There are so many good things happening locally and many of these need help. I think connection for all of us and not putting people in labelled boxes is the most important thing we can do right now. You don’t have to look very far to see another group or individual that is trying to make things better in Stonehouse. It’s a fascinating and creative place to live.”

Millfields Trust: Meet the Directors, Millfields Trust

Millfields Matters: March Newsletter

To find out more about our amazing team here at the Millfields Trust, as well as information about available office space and light industrial units to rent, and all other things Stonehouse, check out our Millfields Matters Newsletter.